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People are the most important and valuable asset of any organization. The development and valorization of their skills are decisive for strengthening the competitiveness of companies. The combination of business objectives and strategies with people’s needs and motivations is currently one of the biggest challenges facing economic agents.

Our experience in processes of recruitment and selection of personnel, as well as in the management of training processes, make Casos Singulares the right partner for the development and management of these processes.

People are the most important and valuable asset of any organization.


  • Apoio no desenho e implementação de ações isoladas de formação profissional e na gestão da formação;
  • Elaboração e acompanhamento de candidaturas a sistemas de incentivos ao investimento em formação profissional;
  • Desenvolvimento de planos de formação e sua implementação, Projetos integrados de formação profissional, diagnóstico, levantamento das necessidades, medidas corretivas, avaliação e encerramento do projeto.

Apoio ao recrutamento e seleção de pessoal, identificando os profissionais adequados aos perfis traçados e garantindo sempre a melhor combinação e solução para a Empresa.

Assessoria na elaboração e gestão de sistema de avaliação de desempenho, sendo uma das ferramentas mais importantes da gestão de recursos humanos. Apoiamos a empresa na análise de resultados, designadamente:

  • No reconhecimento do desempenho individual de cada colaborador;
  • Na tomada de decisões sobre a política de remunerações e incentivos;
  • Na identificar as deficiências no desempenho e definir/implementar medidas de corretivas.


When purpose exists, it also becomes the reason why people believe that transformation is possible.

It is our purpose to completely change the way a company develops products / services, of communicating and marketing and consequently of relating to their clients.<

Because we look at customers with a purpose, we look beyond financial results. A purposeful company gives up its profit so as not to let go of its convictions. A purposeful company identifies and builds opportunities. A purposeful company errs, but recognizes and corrects its mistakes. A business with purpose believes that the market is made up of people. A purposeful company reinforces commitments and achieves successes involving people.

Casos Singulares

We focus on making the most of existing conditions, in a specialized and innovative way, in order to expand the business of each company. In this sense, we can say that our success always depends on the success of our clients. And it is for them that we work every day.


We provide a broad set of consulting services, helping organizations overcome the most complex challenges related to the organization’s creation, expansion, transformation and reinvention, making it more efficient. With a team dedicated to you, your satisfaction is our best reward.

Corporate Finance - Casos Singulares Serviços
Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Social - Casos Singulares Serviços


We believe that all organizations should be based on the premise of creating shared value, that is, generating value for the business and for the community.

We believe that management organizations should be based on the premise of creating shared value, that is, generating value for the business and for the community.

We support your business in achieving and improving sustainable performance.



Casos Singulares focuses its operation in the center of Lisbon. Wherever your business is we are with you, because we focus on INNOVATIVE IDEASSTRATEGIC PROJECTS and UNIQUE RESULTS.
